Starting A Dental Practice: The Balance of Work & Life Outside The Practice

Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 4:45PM

Starting your own dental practice or running an office on your own can be a very stressful and complicated lifestyle. But it doesn’t have to be. Three kids, two in scouts, one on the chess club, home improvement projects, online classes, chores, and the dreaded carpool are all factors that affect your life even at work. By using the tips we are suggesting below, you can save yourself and coworkers, employees, friends, and family from the pain of an unbalanced work-life situation.

Time Management

Limit the time that you do work-related things at home and home things at work. This is a difficult task for some but we promise, this will save you a lot of frustration and time. By keeping things where they respectively belong, you’re less likely to mess up or forget anything. Which leads us to the next two tips…

Lists Are Your Best Friend

Create lists that are in order of most important. What absolutely has to get done? That’s at the top. Do you have a list of things you really don’t want to do and have been putting it off? Put it on the list and just get it done! When you’ve completed your task, check it off and move on to the next. Checking it off is the best feeling!

Schedule everything

Whether you use your phone, Google Calendar, or your own physical calendar, write it down and plan ahead. When you schedule events or dates, it’s easier to know what you have coming up, what’s needed to get done, and allows you to plan accordingly.

Silence Your Phone

One of our biggest distractors is our cell phones. Don’t be a slave to your phone! Check your phone alerts on your own terms, not when a beep, buzz, or blinking light goes off. When you check your phone every few minutes, you’re distracting yourself from getting what needs to be done finished. Did you know that once you’re thrown off track, it can take up to 23 minutes to return to your original task? (According to Stanford University research)

Much Needed Me Time

Your happiness is a huge factor in being successful. You need to make sure that you take some time to do whatever it is that you enjoy. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a movie, catching up on Netflix or your DVRs, running, exercising, or grabbing a drink or snack with a friend, make the time! You’ll be thanking us later.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

There is no reason why you should feel like you can’t ask for help, but unfortunately, a lot of people don’t ask. Sometimes it may be that you need a babysitter to swing by and pick the kids up from school or have your assistant take over a task so that you can get something else done. Whatever it is, if you need the help, don’t be afraid to ask for it!


The best advice we can give you here at RealTime CPAs is to find what works for you and your situation. Take advantage of the time that you have and try to use the tips we’ve listed to help manage your work life balance. Starting your new dental practice is an exciting and nerve-wracking time in your life and your career, but be sure that it is not taking over other important pieces of your life. And with that, we leave you with this quote by the blog Artifactuprising, “You can’t do a good job if your job is all you do.”

Starting A Dental Practice: The Balance of Work & Life Outside The Practice

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